Posted on: 24th November 2020

How to achieve a working from home room with a view – even in winter
WITH working from home set to continue for some time to come, it is important not the let the change in seasons spoil any precious view we may have of our outdoor space.
As winter creeps in, as tempting as it is to close the curtains and shut out the dark nights; making the most of whatever daylight we have has never been more important.
At the height of the pandemic, the UK became a nation of gardeners and DIYers as the sun shone during lockdown and many enjoyed staycations in their own back yard!
But whatever the weather, the importance of fresh air, natural light and experiencing nature in any form is good for our physical and mental wellbeing.
This can range from planting up seasonal containers or clearing out the shed to simply sitting outdoors with a cuppa and enjoying the winter sunshine.
With gardening certainly not confined to a summertime enjoyment, many of us can always find something that needs doing – even if we are not able, confident or have the time to carry it out ourselves.
Some easy wins to create your outdoor room with a view, however small or large your space:
- Plant up containers with seasonal plants like winter flowering heathers, pansies and cyclamen for a burst of colour.
- Place bird feeders where you can see them and enjoy watching feathered visitors throughout the day. Ensure that these and bird baths are topped up, especially in freezing temperatures and they will reward you with lots of activity.
- Why not embark on a fun outdoor project, like making a bee hotel or making fat cakes for birds.
- Keep on top of clearing away fallen and dead leaves.
- Make a list of what needs doing i.e., fence repairs, pulling up dead shrubs, ordering online seeds or planning new areas of the garden. Setting deadline and giving you something to look forward to make you focus.
- Store away any children’s toys, like slides or sand pits.
- If you have a Christmas tree already planted in the garden or growing in a pot – what better time to decorate it than in 2020?
- Bring all watering equipment indoors including hoses and sprinklers so that they don’t freeze and split.
- Create an area where, even in cold weather, you can wrap up and still enjoy sitting outside.
If you have any major projects which need the attention of a professional, contact members on www.safelocaltrades and get your work booked in.