When you were a child, what did you aspire to be?
Firstly a professional footballer, then I wanted to be in a band and be famous!
Did you enjoy school?
I did mostly enjoy school, making great friends who I still have, but not really the academic part, although looking back now they were great days.
What motivated you to learn your trade and business?
I started my own business supplying, fitting and repairing blinds but had never done anything related to that industry before so I thought I had better learn fast in order to make the business a success.
Do you wish you had started your business earlier?
I most certainly do, I had thoughts of starting a business up 10 years before I did but always found reasons not to do it.
What are the rewards of being your ‘own Boss’?
The rewards are that I do not have anyone to answer to, what I say goes, and most of all the hard work I put in means I get the benefit of.
How did you support yourself financially to start your own business?
When I first started I had a small redundancy payment which allowed me to buy my first van and gave me a two month cushion to pay my mortgage. Then I just went for it and also did any other work anyone wanted me to do if I could do it and got paid for it.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking about starting their own business?
Go for it, don't overthink it or you may talk yourself out of doing it, be positive, be prepared to work hard and it will work out in the end. If you don't try you will always wonder what could have been.
What made you decide to join Safe Local Trades?
I started my business in the same year and was introduced to Eileen by a good friend and her idea, drive and enthusiasm sold it to me. I have gained lots of work and contacts through Safe Local Trades and have had the chance to network with other members.
See Pat's Safe Local Trades profile at Bluebell Blinds