Posted on: 1st March 2019

Crackdown on Scammers across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire
A new crackdown on scammers has been launched across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough with the aim of making the county scam-free.
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Against Scams Partnership (CAPASP) includes Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Police and Crime Commissioner Jason Ablewhite, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council.
At the recent launch event, Police and Crime Commissioner Jason Ablewhite said: “Scams are becoming a part of our everyday lives but they shouldn’t be as they are fraud and fraud is crime. Being a victim of this crime can have a devastating impact. These crimes often target those people in our communities that are vulnerable for a variety of reasons, including poverty, isolation, frailty, or disability and this new partnership aims to look at how we can work together to make it harder for these criminals to continue to operate in our area.”
Eileen Le Voi, director of Safe Local Trades – which has been championing the consumer for over a decade – said: “As a member of the partnership, I am committed, on behalf of Safe Local Trades, to this far-reaching Charter. It is vital that we all work together towards one common and very important goal of raising awareness about scams and ending the financial and mental suffering caused to individuals on a daily basis.”
Statistics show that
- 53% of people aged 65+ have been targeted by scams and criminals (Action Fraud)
- Scams cost the UK between £5-10 billion each year (Annual Fraud Indicator)
- Anyone can be a scam victim, regardless of age, gender, education or economic background
- Scam victims might not always admit (or be aware) that they are a victim of a scam. Only 5% of victims report the crime (Age UK 2015)
- Scams are the product of organised, predatory criminals who gain trust to exploit and steal money
For support and advice on scams (e.g. rogue traders, romance scams, scam mail, telephone calls, text messages, emails), call Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 04 05 06
For a non-emergency response (if you have been a victim of a fraud/scam), call Cambridgeshire Police on 101
If you have been affected by crime, get emotional and practical help from Cambridgeshire Victim and Witness Hub on 0800 781 6818
To report a fraud, or suspected fraud, and share information to help stop others from becoming victims, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040
For information on how to become a ‘Friend against Scams’, please go to