Posted on: 12th August 2024

Ensure that IT security is high on your holiday check list
The long summer holidays are in full swing, and many of us will be taking a well-earned break – either some down time with our other half, friends or a family adventure with the kids.
However, the chances are (and particularly if you have teenagers) that your mobile phone or tablet will be catching that flight or ferry with you.
You may be needing to catch up on work emails or simply want to flood your social media channels with photos of your getaway.
But how do you look after those devices like laptops and PCs that will most likely be staying at home?
Home insurance and/or travel insurance will cover most cases of theft or accidental damage (be sure to check your policy) but it's still a good
practice to take a few simple steps to make sure your devices are as safe
as they can be.
- Backup your devices! It’s so simple and it should be something you do regularly anyway but let's be honest, it’s easy to forget. Make it a priority to get everything backed up before you leave. Accidents happen and it’s easy to lose all your important data with just the slip of a hand. Don't just back up to the cloud, consider having a backup to a separate hard drive.
- Update your software Again, a simple task that’s easily forgotten but can make a huge difference if anything goes wrong. Making sure you have up-to-date security software is paramount!
- Secure your devices Use a PIN, pattern lock or 2-factor authentication. Don’t forget to add security authentication to your laptops and PC’s and please think carefully about any passwords you are using.
- Be wary of which Wi-Fi you connect to. It's tempting to connect to any free Wi-Fiwhen you’re away and save using up your valuable data allowance but really think carefully before connecting to unsecured public Wi-Fi. There’s a huge risk that your devices could be hacked, sensitive data stolen or get infected with malware.
- Be careful what you share on social media You might think you’re just making your friends envious with your beach or overseas foodie photos - but if you make it public, you’re away from home any thieves will be able to take advantage of your absence. Now is a great time to check who sees your posts and consider making it private to friends only so you know only those you trust can see where you are.
Above all – make sure you enjoy your well-earned downtime knowing that your tech security is all taken care of.
Safe Local Trades member Ben from File Genie and his team can offer a wealth of advice and support whether updating your software and backing up your devices or if you think your device is not operating correctly. Get in touch here Computer, Laptop & Netbook Repairs in Peterborough | Reviews and recommended by Safe Local Trades